23世紀,Sincam 公司派遣一艘宇宙探測採礦船Saldes號去新行星執行任務,航行時間長達20年。船員14人,外加一隻叫莉莉的貓。航行途中,從冬眠中甦醒的船員發現飛船被隕石帶來的不明病毒入侵,病毒附在人類身體上,可以使之任意改變外型,變成人類神話傳說中的種種怪物。由於無法分辨誰被附身,船員之間互相猜疑,不斷地有人死亡,而寵物貓莉莉的真實身份竟然是……

A captain and his crew travel across the universe in a ship that can travel for 20 years while the crew will age only 1 year. Soon the crew realizes that a criminal is onboard who is hoping to escape civilization. The crew must find who the criminal is, and find the source of a deadly virus that is destroying them one by one.


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