来自世界各地的十名热辣单身者齐聚在热带天堂,这群年轻人认为这将是他们生命中最具异国情调和最性感的夏天,但转折不约而至。如果想要赢得 10 万美元的大奖,这些喜欢随意约会的承诺恐惧症患者在整个过程中都不得有任何耍花招的行为。没有亲吻,没有爱抚,没有任何形式的自我满足。每僭越一次,奖金就会随之减少。在这个奢侈的禁欲区,热衷单身的人能够建立更深的情感联系吗?还是诱惑太过强烈,让人无法自持?

The show takes 10 hot singles who are notorious commitment-phobes when it comes to relationships, and it puts them in an island villa together for what they think is going to be a four week sexcation. But when they get there, they're told there's prize money involved, and it depends on all of them remaining abstinent for the four week retreat.

人家就是爆米花综艺,你却要看文艺。心理学的角度分析。快来看野鸡互啄。尝试着区分性吸引和灵魂吸引。Too bored to handle。意料之外地引人深思。欲望乌托邦。成年人的撕逼就是光明正大把欲望都写在脸上。笔记。Some Sharing;)。

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