请某些傻逼自己不懂英文日文的在IMDB上找不到电影正确的IMDB号,就别他妈的乱改影片的正确信息。不懂就别添乱。在此警告这种无知的傻逼行径。此片IMDB号为2005年的一部西部片,不是什么日本片。   3个坏人抢劫银行后,他们朝科罗拉多边境逃去,而警长带领人马紧紧跟随,离科罗拉多边境一英里处,抢匪发现一个被枪伤的男子,他妻子被一帮歹徒拐走。临死前,男人恳求他们救妻子出来。 在后有追兵的情况下,他们得作个一危险的决定,要么冒着生命危险把死者妻子出来,要么逃到科罗拉多就脱 离险境。

Bank robbers and best friends Frame, Luther, and Matt forego safe haven in Colorado to save a women from Dutch Henry and his gang. Meanwhile, a posse is formed to track them down and return all of the money they stole from a small town's bank. Frame Johnson's choice between money and morality may get him and his best friends killed.

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