法妮是一个美丽的女孩,不过她却时常盘桓社会底层,干些与法律打擦边球的勾当。她有一名深爱的男友马努艾尔,但是对方也获罪入狱,难或自由。某天,法妮偷窃时被便衣警察安德烈•加蒂诺抓获。这是一个粗暴贪婪,全无道德底线的恶德警察。法妮沦为了安德烈的泻欲对象,迫于对方的身份只能委曲求全。直到有一天,马努艾尔与法妮配合越狱,法妮要挟安德烈救助受伤的马努艾尔,结果男友反遭安德烈的杀害,法妮也被判处3年徒刑。当法妮重获自由后,她决心向那个剥夺了她毕生幸福的恶棍警察展开复仇……   本片根据安德罗·马丹(Andreu Martin)的小说《Protesis》改编。

Violence and delinquency are Fanny's only way of life. An ex-cop known as "el Gallego" was expelled from the police force because of his irregular methods, particularly for cruelly abusing Fanny. They're looking for one another, both with the idea of murder. However, a feeling that is very different from hatred begins to occupy their respective minds. When they meet, they won't know how to react.

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