
类型:动作 科幻 惊悚  加拿大   2003 

主演:克里斯多弗·兰伯特 卢·戴蒙德·菲利普斯 凯莉·布鲁克 朗·普尔曼 

导演:David Barto 


在疾病肆虐的世界里,他是唯一的解药,也是人类最后一线希望。故事发生在公元2007年,一种不知名的病毒因为雨林的破坏而在世上蔓延,唯一能使人类免于灭绝的是”病毒毁灭者”,那是种新药,虽然不是此种疾病的解药,若每天服用也能遏止病情恶化,但发明”病毒毁灭者”的科学家却惨遭毒手,警探史考特奉命调查此桩命案,从此史考特与未知的幕后黑手便展开一场生死追逐,他不知情的是,他体内即带有此病的解药... ...

In the near future, a virus has infected everyone on the planet, and Absolon is a drug that everyone must take to stay alive. One corporation controls the drug. Murchison is the leader of this firm. A scientist who was researching the virus is found murdered, and Norman Scott is the policeman who investigates the crime. Soon Norman realizes that he's in over his head, as hitmen are gunning for him.