
类型:剧情 战争  意大利  2002 

主演:保罗·布里古力亚 Pierfrancesco Favino Lucia 



1942年10月,在大学中学习哲学和文学的谢拉(保罗·布里古力亚 Paolo Briguglia 饰)为了证明自己的勇气,以志愿兵的身份抵达位于埃及的北非意军。这支驻防部队的长官菲奥雷中尉面对久久没有换防部队接应的现实变得消沉易怒,谢拉被他分配到里佐中士(皮尔弗朗西斯科·法维诺 Pierfrancesco Favino 饰)的小队中,谢拉的任务和同袍们一样,每天在英军随意的炮轰中坚守着茫茫大漠里意大利军队的防线。这是一场战争,同时也更是一场生存竞争,意军缺乏物资供应,比炮火更可怕的是疾病和干渴。意军每日生活在英军进攻的恐惧中,谢拉和里佐在哨探过程中发现了被英军击毙的意军,英军的进攻此时显得更加迫在眉睫……

War seen through the eyes of Serra, a university student from Palermo who volunteers in 1942 to fight in Africa. He is assigned to the Pavia Division on the southern line in Egypt. Rommel and the Axis forces are bogged down; it's October, the British prepare an offensive. At first, boredom, heat, hunger, and thirst bedevil the Italians; then the Brits attack, and there's no luck or heroism in death. Finally, it's retreat in confusion. Serra, his sergeant Rizzo, and his lieutenant Fiori take a last walk toward home. It's said that each soldier gets three miracles; when Serra's are used up, what then?
