
类型:剧情 爱情  泰国  2017 

主演:提拉达·迈特瓦拉育 Prang Kannarun 



普玛(坎娜楠·翁卡琼莱 Kannarun Wongkajornklai 饰)有着非常糟糕的情感经历,饱受伤害的心令普玛决定关闭心门,再也不让任何人有任何可乘之机。在工作中,普玛结识了名为格文(提拉达·迈特瓦拉育 Teeradetch Metawarayut 饰)的男子,格文拥有高大的身材和英俊的样貌,是一个万花丛中过片叶不沾身的花花公子。在上司的叮嘱下,普玛必须对格文言听计从,虽然这个男人的作风令普玛非常的瞧不上。   实际上,格文的真实身份,是全球著名婚恋公司的老板,而他来到泰国的目的,就是找到自己失散多年的母亲。母亲留给格文的唯一一样东西是一个铜盒子,普玛决定帮助格文共同寻找母亲的下落。

Parima has bad love experience, so she is afraid of love and intends to consecrate harm all of her life. Her friends gang call her nun. But its not easy when she meet Kawin a half-cast boy. He is looking for his mom and the only clue to find his mother is a locket. Parima doesn't know that Kawin is Kevin Blake the owner of \"World-Class Match Maker.\"

脑洞夫妇 : 流氓花花公子和伪禁欲尼姑的魔幻爱情。