
类型:剧情 悬疑  日本  1980 

主演:片冈孝夫 松坂庆子 宫下顺子 藤真利子 梶芽衣子 藤田真 神崎爱 渡濑 




If your wife is seeing Dr Shinichi Toya, be worried ! This medico specializes in assisting women in removing both their husbands and their clothing. Every woman, except the wife he is currently divorcing, seems to adore him, and not all of them are very nice. The nastiest is probably his head nurse, who is an old flame trying to win him back, and who helps him get rid of the excess husbands. The not-so-good doctor gets away with quite a few of these apparently accidental killings, but he starts to become both greedy and careless.

松坂庆子、梶芽衣子、宫下顺子三美人联袂主演!推理名作改编(海嘯字幕組TL-53 日翻中字)。壇蜜のエロスじゃ満足できない!松坂慶子の天才的愛人気質。