
类型:短片  德国  2010 

主演:Agnes Bethke Sinha Gierke Henrike K 

导演:Luise Brinkmann 


本片描述了一群分租同栋公寓的拉子室友之间的故事。公寓里每个人都有各自的秘密,随着剧情推进,每个人的角色都在变化,真相也慢慢浮出水面,面对错综复杂的感情,她们会有勇气去面对真相么?(PS.片中女主自创插曲很好听哦,演Jule的Agnes Bethke好可爱,长得有点像Keri Russell耶。)   本片拍摄手法比较独特,也描述了当下Les间因合住而产生的情感纠纷,值得深思。(转字悸花)

A group of young lesbians shares a flat. Each of them has a secret to keep from the other flatmates next door. As rooms, beds and roles are swapped, the truth slowly surfaces. Which of the four flatmates is brave enough to say the truth and stand by their emotions?