
类型:同性  美国  2012 

主演:Ethan Navarro 亚当·弗莱明 Ryan DeLuca 克里 

导演:Adam Baran 


1994年美国某小镇。未出柜的14岁少年杰克(Ethan Navarro 饰)打算带若干同志色情杂志回家满足生理需要。他希望没人撞到,可偏偏由于贪心带得太多,被三个校园恶霸堵在了路上。关键时刻,一位陌生男子伸出援手,彻底改变了故事走向......本片入围2012年Iris世界同志短片大赛。

A teen boy finds a bundle of gay porn magazines in a dumpster. He is driven to get them, and pursued by a group of bullies as he tries to escape with his treasure. He gets help from the most unlikely of places - iconic gay porn stereotypes who come to life from the magazines to help him find his courage.