
类型:同性  美国  2012 

主演:Adam Donovan Jake Robbins Margie Fe 

导演:Dominic Haxton David Rosler 


菲尔(Adam Donovan 饰)是一个在富人社区长大的男孩,虽然衣食无忧,但因为性取向时常感到痛苦和缺少安全感。他就读的私人高中风气保守,充满了自我感觉良好的傲慢青少年,其中给他带来最大困扰的是一个叫亚当(Jake Robbins 饰)的男孩。亚当经常在更衣室侮辱和 针对菲尔,很难想象他们曾经是好朋友,菲尔还曾暗恋过亚当。然而亚当在自己家中也是一个受害者。他和菲尔在公园意想不到的行为带来了难以预料的结果......   霸凌(Bully)已经成为美国校园的普遍现象。这种反社会行为通过肢体和语言频繁发生在同龄人之间,往往带来不可逆转的心理阴暗和以悲剧告终。导演希望用本片探讨我们如何跳出“受害-施害”的循环,保有自我的生存与相爱。

Phil, a shy, insecure teenager growing up in a affluent suburb, is trapped in the painful throes of adolescence. He's struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. At his elite private school, Phil is picked on by his former friend and love interest, Adam. Adam frequently lashes out with violence against Phil and enjoys humiliating him in the locker room. As the bullying intensifies, both at school and at home, the back story of Phil and Adam's ill-fated relationship is revealed, leading to a horrific final assault.

我们选择不了自己会爱上谁 不知不觉你会爱上一个人。恶性循环的武装。「Quotes」。