
类型:剧情  中国大陆  2018 

主演:黄璐 林哲元 冯一之 




The newly-married newspaper reporter Xia Yin's colleague Lu has committed suicide. The apartment is cluttered with various daily objects. Her husband urges her to quickly square them away. The article Xia Yin writes based on the interviews is rejected by her supervisor. The construction worker Gao looking for help, Xia Yin travel to his native place to conduct an interview. The trip acquires an illusory quality, the facts she had taken for granted come are repudiated one by one. She meets a little girl, who later uses her own ways of leading the fatigued Xia Yin into a illusory moment, gaining entrance into an alternate time-space. Xia Yin takes her leave of girl and continues looking for Gao's home. Lost like an errant spirit, Xia Yin can find no way out of the village.

导筒× 杨弋枢 :天堑与通途:杨弋枢的南京物语。女性导演视角下的知识女性生存境遇 ──杨弋枢导演新片《之子于归》访谈。关于无能为力的女性困境。我们好自为之吧。《之子于归》:“娜拉”留下之后,该怎么办?。看了三遍,越看越有意思。之子于归,无处安放。梦境般的神秘。《之子于归》:一场生活化的审视与思考。