
The X-Men. Protectors of peace. Jean Grey is one of the most beloved X-Men. But when a mission goes wrong, Jean is exposed to a dark and ancient power. This power has destroyed everything it comes in contact with, until her. Now that this power is becoming unstable, she releases it with destruction and anger. Now that this foreign power is consuming her, and the world is threatened, the X-Men have to face an important truth: they must save either the world, or their friend who threatens it.

《X战警》系列时间线梳理。为什么我觉得《黑凤凰》是一部烂片。《X战警》系列最差的一部。[Dark Phoenix]:FOX拍这么烂,对得起一美法鲨的演技吗。说实话我就是很不爽你们打低分。再见了,新忠诚号。没有猫就已经输了。《X战警:黑凤凰》烂尾了吗?X战警未来将何去何从。其实你们真的太严格了。创造神奇,以飨世人。

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