
Based on the novel by Hannelore Cayre, the story centers around Patience Portefeux, an underpaid, overworked French-Arabic translator in charge of phone surveillance for a narcotics police unit. When she realizes she knows the mother of one of the drug dealers, Patience decides to cover for him and gets herself more and more deeply involved in the world of drug trafficking. Soon, she is using her insider knowledge and police resources to build her own crime network and earns the name Mama Weed.

少数族裔问题的社会元素为电影增添亮点。于佩尔:永恒女性模本。毒老妪快乐人生——《毒贩大妈》。La Daronne。毒贩大妈——法国大妈VS温州大妈,哪个更牛掰?。奇怪的法国民族现状素描和自黑的法国电影你值得一看。富贵险中求。再烂的人生也会有开游艇的阳光时刻。以为是犯罪片,没想到是个爱情片。毒贩大妈|温州人在巴黎。

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