罗伊(马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)是业内知名的篮球教练,拥有丰富的经验和强大的控制力,技术了得。然而罗伊的唯一弱点就是他那烈火一般暴躁的脾气,因为这脾气罗伊惹出了不少的麻烦。最终,在一场非常重要的大学联盟比赛中,罗伊的脾气又惹祸了,导致球队输掉了比赛,罗伊遭到了降级处分。   心灰意冷的罗伊被派往一所高中执教那里的校队,这是一支没有获得过任何胜利的菜鸟球队,其中的队员们都仿佛从来没有打过篮球似的笨拙而又糟糕。无奈之中,罗伊只得耐下性子来,从零开始传授他的技术知识,随着时间的推移,球队进步神速很快就步入了正轨,在此过程中,罗伊亦找到了身为一名教练真正的意义所在。

Coach Roy once was college basketball's top mastermind. But lately his attentions have been on his next endorsements, not on his next game. What¹s more, Roy's temper has run amuck, leading to his being banned from college ball until he can demonstrate compliance--in other words, not explode every time he walks onto the court. Roy waits and waits; for a suitable coaching offer, but he receives only one: the Mount Vernon Junior High School Smelters basketball squad. Roy reluctantly accepts the offer, hoping that a few weeks at the school will prove his good intentions and restore him to his high-living ways as a celebrated college coach. But when old school meets middle school, Coach Roy doesn't know what hit him. It's not until Roy decides to teach his young charges some new concepts--like passing, rebounding, dribbling, and scoring--that the Smelters begin to find success and Roy finds something long thought lost: his love of the game.


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