
-In a neighborhood of New Delhi reside a colony magicians, puppeteers, fire-eaters and other artists. Among them also Aja, who as a child demonstrated of an exceptional talent. He is a 'fakir', which can float, sabers ingestion and he is equipped with an array of tricks, which he mastered to perfection. He also performed miraculous healing. But when his mother gives him a plane ticket to Paris and instruct him to carry out a mysterious job, he is completely upset. He has his district never leave earlier.

世界上的人分两类:一类去过“巴黎” 一类未离“孟买”。糖衣包裹的陳詞濫調。预算充裕的《人在囧途1》。刚见面就接吻,印度阿三又开挂了。画虎不成反类犬。最不配叫“冒险王”的“冒险王”。最感动的是阿贾小时候在监狱那一段。衣柜里的冒险王,很不印度电影,让我有点失望。不良教育。衣柜里的冒险王 生活亦真亦假。

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