大雄把恐龙展发现的化石带回家,借助哆啦A梦的时光包袱竟然成功孵化出两只从未被发现过的长着翅膀的新恐龙。大雄和小伙伴们决定将小恐龙们带回到属于它们的时代,一场惊心动魄的白垩纪大冒险即将上演。   本片是《哆啦A梦》漫画连载50周年纪念作品,同时也是《哆啦A梦》系列电影的第40 部作品。全新的故事,全新的大雄,全新的冒险,全新出发!

Nobita accidentally found a fossil dinosaur egg mixed with rocks in the dinosaur fossil exhibition site that he had visited before. He returned it to its original state with the \"Time blanket\". After hatching, the egg hatches a new species of dinosaur that is not named in the Cosmic Encyclopedia and names them Kyu and Myu Although they want to take care of them secretly, there are dinosaurs in the city still discovered by residents; Nobita and his friends were forced to bring them back to the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago the dinosaurs time. Just the time of Dinosaurs Extinction.

新恐龙:工具理性与天皇制的令和再反思。《大雄的新恐龙》与不得不从循环中出发的“新大雄”。大雄——历史的缔造者 以及跨越14年的感动。如果大雄找到皮助是在小啾和小咪之后呢。一篇读后可能会让你看正片更有乐趣的观后吐槽水——新恐龙、新大雄与新的电影哆啦A梦。纪念我的小闪电。希望能永远在多啦A梦的想象力宇宙中 快乐自由的翱翔...☆♬。论童真和历史。成长,并不是件容易的事儿。一不小心就代入了小恐龙的视角。

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