陈小萌(肖央 饰)一直渴望成为一名演员,但残酷的现实令他至今扔在龙套的位置上苦苦挣扎。没钱没工作没恋人没朋友还欠了一大笔钱的陈小萌想到了死,可是就连死神都抛弃了他,他数次自杀都以失败告终。   一天,陈小萌去澡堂泡澡,意外邂逅了一位神秘且富有的男子(刘德华 饰),该男子在澡堂里意外摔倒昏迷被送进了医院,拾得了他的储物室手环的陈小萌决定顶替他的身份,享受一下富人的生活。头部的撞击令男子失忆了,凭借着零星的线索,他认定自己是陈小萌,并且顺藤摸瓜来到了陈小萌的出租屋,希望熟悉的环境能够令他更快的恢复记忆。在此过程中,男子邂逅了名为李想(万茜 饰)的自媒体人,两人之间碰撞出了火花。

Chen Xiaomeng is a theater actor who just can't catch a break in life. His career is in shambles, his love life is depressing, and he can't even properly commit suicide. Before he takes another attempt at suicide, he decides to visit the local bathhouse so he can die with dignity. In the bathhouse, Xiaomeng accidentally causes a man to slip on a piece of soap and falls into a deep coma. In a split second, he decides to switch places with the comatose man, only to discover that the man is a renowned professional assassin. Under his new identity, Xiaomeng is forced to undertake the assassin's missions. Meanwhile, the assassin wakes up in the hospital with no memory of his identity. Believing that he's the failed actor, he begins piece together his "past life" with the help of single mother Li Xiang. As he tries to "continue" his life as an actor, the amnesiac assassin and Li Xiang develop a bond. But when the assassin regains his real memories, our three heroes become entangled in messy...

我看到的致敬桥段。英雄迟暮于《人潮汹涌》中。如此翻拍 真的不行。有的电影在贺年,有的电影在尬年。身份交换,就能改变人生吗?。简单对比一下中日韩三版。让我重新回忆起十多年前合拍片的尴尬与割裂。万茜的角色给人感觉单薄,是演技问题还是角色设置问题?——《人潮汹涌》。体制下的合格电影。只有刘的剧情比较完美。

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