22岁的毒贩克里斯(埃米尔·赫斯基 Emile Hirsch 饰)欠了一屁股债,高利贷主正威胁要追杀他。为保性命,他想到了唯一的办法,就是谋杀亲母阿黛尔以赚取高额保险,并联合了父亲、继母和妹妹多蒂(朱诺·坦普尔 Juno Temple 饰)一起瓜分这笔横财。然而克里斯不愿自己动手,遂瞄准了专业杀手乔(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰),然而乔只做买卖不做慈善,筹不够钱不会动手。束手无策之时,克里斯只好先把妹妹暂时当“订金”交给乔。本以为万事办妥,只等坐收巨款的克里斯,却没想到事情竟往戏剧化的方向发展而去……   本片曾获土星奖最佳独立电影、最佳男主角、最佳导演、最佳女配角、最佳编剧奖。

Finding himself in considerable debt, Chris, a Texan drug dealer, decides the only solution is to murder his mother to collect the insurance money. Getting together with his father, the ex-husband of Chris' mother, they decide to hire Joe Cooper (a contract killer) who also happens to be a police detective. The plan is that the money will go to Chris' sister Dottie. However due to the size of the contract fee, Chris agrees that Joe can take Dottie as a retainer until the insurance comes through.

萝莉控与妹控的战争。你们想多了。很冷。这才是正解 关于那个被烧了的jj 看了你就知道了。一把枪有几发子弹(剧透,慎入)。杀手乔剧情完全解构及回复网友疑问。全是剧透的观后感。Joe的眼睛:开放式结局背后的封闭性。美少女最后逆袭。杀手乔--寂静之声。

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