获得韩国第50届百想艺术大赏TV部最佳剧本赏   获得韩国第50届百想艺术大赏TV部最佳导演赏   20岁青年对42岁女人的告白,让她无法理解,但又为什么会这样呢?为什么会心动?   这真是条不该走的路,在感情和理性之间,42岁的女人将要面临一场战争。可面对20岁青年的告白她却会何去何从?她想知道那青年的告白是真心的,所以开始了无止境的考验。   但不管是多么理智的中年人,也 没办法按照理性来行事。最后,陷入爱情的女人是不是会做出傻瓜一样的举动?这就是爱情,吃过禁果身体和心灵都带着罪恶,痴情中带着纯洁。----转自搜狐《密会》剧情介绍

A love story of a young poor student pianist fell in love with his piano teacher, who was married to another man. Despite disapproval from the society and the "moral standard," their pure love for each other only grew stronger. Could she give up her status that she had long fought for? Could their love win over the adulterate world around them?

无聊到了给一部韩剧写评论的程度!。密会里那些微妙设定(完结)。亲故,听过说Ivo Pogorelich吗。《密会》最终感言:留在生活里的结局。。非典型韩剧,但仍是典型爱情。。这是特级称赞!壹。花火之一 初。关于密会中的钢琴曲。女神和女人 ep7--ep8。这是特级称赞!捌。

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