蝙蝠侠到底是什么样的?本片通过6个相互关联又独立成篇的短片,为观众带来一个真正的蝙蝠侠。   《轮到我了》:4个儿童用吹牛的方法描述心中的蝙蝠侠形象,但这时伤痕累累的蝙蝠侠突然出现在他们面前。   《身陷火线》:蝙蝠侠送来一位犯人, 2位探员负责将犯人押解到监狱,不想路上碰到两个黑帮火拼,蝙蝠侠适时出现了。   《亲身历行》:蝙蝠侠有了新装备——卢修•福克斯为蝙蝠侠设计了一个防弹衣。这本该完美的设计,却给蝙蝠侠带来了苦恼。   《不见天日》:某宗教主教被绑架,幕后主使是蝙蝠侠的老对手稻草人。于是蝙蝠侠潜入下水道,与蜥蜴人、稻草人展开决斗。   《克服伤痛》:下水道的战斗令蝙蝠侠陷入伤痛与回忆之中,曾经一个印度女人教授布鲁斯•韦恩如何克服痛觉,现在,蝙蝠侠要自己去面对这一切。   《亡灵射手》:传奇杀手Deadshot受雇来到高潭市,蝙蝠侠再次出击。

In this 6-story anthology collection, Batman faces new villains and old ones in a time-line after Batman Begins. In "Have I Got A Story For You", 3 kids tell wildly different stories about Batman during a fight through Gotham. "Crossfire" focuses on two policemen who end up getting in the middle of a crime battle. "Field Test" has Lucius Fox creating a new technology for Batman, but is it too powerful? "In Darkness Dwells" features Killer Croc and Scarecrow, who have kidnapped a priest. "Working Through Pain" goes through flashbacks of Bruce Wayne's training while Batman finds his way through the sewers. Finally, "Deadshot" focuses on the titular sniper, who has a new target in Gotham.

二等妖孽的一次裸奔。它不是Animatrix。Big Dinner。《蝙蝠侠:哥谭骑士》:多面的布鲁斯·韦恩。美式动漫 日系画风。即使给你六个袁隆平也无法实现。《暗夜骑士》之外。动画英雄主义。大杂烩。日式风格的蝙蝠侠。

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