维吉妮亚·马德森饰演的学者海伦,正在研究一个流行于美国民间的传说:只要对着镜子连续五次念出“糖果人"的名字,就会出现一个右手带着铁钩的阴魂跑到世上取人性命。海伦来到芝加哥展开实地调查,一连串被铁钩致命的谋杀案亦陆续发生,最后发现那个传说的真相,原来是一名黑人因为跟白人小 姐相恋而遭砍断手掌,身上被涂抹上蜂蜜,令他在断气前饱受蜂螫之痛,故意报复杀人。   幕后:   本片与一般纯粹卖弄杀人场面的血腥恐布片有点不同,编导伯纳德·罗斯针对主角“糖果人"的悲惨遭遇,反映出“黑人受到的不公平待遇"是造成仇恨报复的主因,主题发人深省。影片中的往事部分拍得颇为抒情,跟现代的血腥凶杀形成鲜明对比。

Helen Lyle is a student who decides to write a thesis about local legends and myths. She visits a part of the town, where she learns about the legend of the Candyman, a one-armed man who appears when you say his name five times, in front of a mirror. Of course, Helen doesn't believe all this stuff, but the people of the area are really afraid. When she ignores their warnings and begins her investigation in the places that he is rumored to appear, a series of horrible murders begins. Could the legend be true?

谈谈本片一些特点。several blocks nearby。歧视并不限于种族,但最终带来的都是毁灭。刺激心灵。只有你在镜子面前大叫他,他就会出现而你也要付出代价。好老啊~只怪我太年轻。92版尺度大结尾惊艳!性感女主角最是悲惨。

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