故事发生在古代的南美洲一个帝国。这个帝国年轻的国王Kuzco虚荣心极重,为了大肆庆祝自己十八岁的生日,他决定在帝国首都附近的一座山上建立一座宫殿。山上世代在此生活的居民一时陷入了困境,村民Pacha来到皇宫请求Kuzco考虑下当地居民的处境,收回成命,但遭到Kuzco一口回绝。   于此同时,邪恶女祭司Yzma准备投毒杀害Kuzco夺取王位,但她的跟班Kronk搞错了毒药,误将变身药给了Kuzco吃。于是,Kuzco变成了一头骡马,并阴差阳的错上了Pacha的车去了山上的村庄。Yzma得知后,对Kuzco展开了一系列追杀,而Kuzco也在Pacha等人的帮助下展开了反击!

In this animated comedy from the folks at Disney, the vain and cocky Emperor Kuzco is a very busy man. Besides maintaining his "groove", and firing his suspicious administrator, Yzma; he's also planning to build a new waterpark just for himself for his birthday. However, this means destroying one of the villages in his kingdom. Meanwhile, Yzma is hatching a plan to get revenge and usurp the throne. But, in a botched assassination courtesy of Yzma's right-hand man, Kronk, Kuzco is magically transformed into a llama. Now, Kuzco finds himself the property of Pacha, a lowly llama herder whose home is ground zero for the water park. Upon discovering the llama's true self, Pacha offers to help resolve the Emperor's problem and regain his throne, only if he promises to move his water park.

国王变身了变身了....。是一部可以让你看完马上想再看一遍的电影!。终极推荐!。《变身国王》最初设定是一部传统迪士尼音乐片“太阳王国”。还行。,。Kingdom in the Sun。伊斯玛最吸引我。不错的电影!。好电影,好的很。

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