网乐公司在网络上举办了一届网络搏击比赛,全世界的高手都可以参赛,这场比赛在世界范围内掀起了轩然大波。在众多的参赛选手中,唐宁(Patricia Ja Lee 饰)出生于武术世家,从小就生活在前辈阴影之下的她极度希望能够打破桎梏,展现出不一样的自我,因此格外珍惜这个来之不易的机会。乔健(张智尧 饰)追随着师兄金藩(杨俊毅 饰)的脚步参加了比赛,他曾是金藩的手下败将,希望借此机会,能够夺回属于自己的胜利。   然而,金藩的眼中只有冠军的宝座,其余的角色他统统都看不上,为了获得最后的胜利,他甚至可以不惜一切手段,而他们共同所要面对的敌人,是名叫麦克斯菲尔德(Paul Rapovski 饰)的世界搏击冠军。

A sports company and an Internet company decide to form Extreme Challenge, the first martial arts competition to be simulcast on the Internet. The competitors include chamion Ian Maxfield, female competitor Tang Ning, and two classmates Fang Jin and Kuang Kin. Kuang enters the tournament to prove to Fang Jin he can be as good as he is. Tang Ning enters the competition to prove women can be as tough as men in combat. Ian does it for the glory. The prize is $5 million dollars and a contract with the sports company. Who will come out on top?


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