
A young woman in the midst of a terror laden nightmare begins to realize she is trapped in her own subconscious. Waking up provides no solace, but rather submerges her deeper into her darkest fears; the only way she can escape one nightmare is to find herself in the middle of another. Everything she ever held safe, from her home to her face, has become a stranger. There is no way out. By the story's end, she learns the disturbing truth that the horrors which await her when she wakes are far more demonic than anything she could ever dream. waking up is only the beginning.

身在高地的一些文化背景。完全主观地被冒犯到,映后胡说八道。IN THE HEIGHTS 长大了。In The Heights 彩蛋。吾心安处是吾乡。身在高地 心在彼岸。自我洗脑式的少数族裔成长。In the heights (3.5/5)。众所周知,好莱坞的音乐电影往往有不少精品,身在高地当成艺术片该如何评分?你的梦想sueñito是什么?。看了电影跑回去看了三遍原剧。

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