Leading up to his 2019 arrest, mysterious tycoon Jeffrey Epstein was accused of abusing women and underage girls for decades, assembling a network of enablers to help carry out and cover up his crimes. Epstein came from humble beginnings yet managed to lie and manipulate his way to the top of the financial world. He eventually gained tremendous wealth and power while running an international sex trafficking ring. The serial sex abuser made a secret plea deal with the government in 2008 avoiding a potential life sentence and continued to abuse women. With their frightening firsthand accounts, Epstein's accusers are the leading voices in director Lisa Bryant's four-part docuseries JEFFREY EPSTEIN: FILTHY RICH. By revealing their emotional scars, some for the very first time, the sisterhood of survivors intend to stop predators - and the American justice system - from silencing the next generation. A RadicalMedia and James Patterson Entertainment production made in association with Third...

揭秘美国色魔大亨:为了施暴,他建了一座性奴岛……。终极禽兽与淫棍,敲打每一个雄性内心的“躁动与不安”。。庞氏骗局——把受害者变成合伙人。黑客揭秘戴安娜死亡之谜,特朗普性侵13岁女童,还有一系列惊天大瓜。为魔鬼辩护。观后小笔记。确实是个恶心的老头,但那些也不是好女孩。对人的彻底剥削。权利和财富的控制者——杰弗里 爱泼斯坦。沉默的大多数。

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