栗原佐都子(永作博美 饰)与丈夫清和(井浦新 饰)结婚多年,夫妻两人之间的感情一直十分的美满,这段婚姻唯一的遗憾,就是两人无法拥有一个属于他们的爱情结晶。通过特别收养制度,佐都子和清和收养了一个名叫朝斗(佐藤令望 饰)的孩子,朝斗的存在圆了佐都子和清和的梦,让这一家人更加紧密的联结在了一起。   一晃眼六年过去,这六年里,栗原一家人生活在平静和幸福之中,佐都子和清和将他们全部的爱都倾注在了朝斗的身上,朝斗也无惊无险的顺利成长。某一日,一通意料之外的电话打破了栗原家的平静,来电的女人自称是朝斗的亲生母亲片仓光(莳田彩珠 饰),她要求栗原夫妇花钱买下朝斗,否则就要将朝斗的身世公之于众。

It is not strange or unusual for a couple to want to procreate and have a child. However, things are not proceeding smoothly for this husband and wife. Despite steadily trying to get the wife pregnant the couple yield to reality and, exhorted by a professional association, the couple proceed to adopt a boy. The couple are happily adapting to their adopted son, but a woman shows up soon enough emphasizing she is the boy's biological mother. The two mothers are about to face off.

母亲的意义。初为人母 如沐晨曦。何为母亲?这显然是她近年来最好的电影。两个妈妈的故事。惊喜赞叹。展现而已并非话语。《晨曦將至》:因為母親,我們終可與黑夜道別。思辨性伦理片样本 没有反面的伦理碰撞与溶解。

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